Parent Corner
Here you will find any documentation or procedures that a parent will need
Welcome to our Parent Corner!
Here, you'll find all the essential resources and information to support your child's educational journey. Access important updates, event calendars, school policies, and forms.
Explore our parent guides, volunteer opportunities, and community events. Whether you need assistance with school procedures, academic support, or extracurricular activities, our Parent Portal is your go-to resource. Join us in fostering a collaborative and engaging school experience for your child.
Subscribe to our Google Whole School Parent Calendar and receive reminders directly to your device.
Contact Details
Pre-School Campus
85 202 3895
Primary School campus
87 456 4756
Director - Michelle
84 693 3226
WhatsApp Groups
Please confirm that you are in the correct group/s - if not please let us know.
Pre-School Parents
Primary school - Broadcast only
Lower primary
Upper primary
Our Community group - Parents past and present to discuss and share anything related to our community and having families in Mozambique.
Registration forms
Walking permission form
Internet user agreement
Vaccine permission form